Project Chetana
Introduction :
An initiative of four NGOs - The Society for Door Step Schools, Swadhar-IDWC, Snehdeep JanakalyanFoundation, and Identity Foundation with the PMC education department (Primary section) ably supported by Yardi Software.Started in the year 2018
Aims at strengthening the PMC pre-school education system through intervention in PMC schools and handholding support while PMC shoulders the responsibility of continuation.
Started working with ICDS and private schools catering to low-income communities to train their team on implementation based on Aakar syllabus (in year 5).Follows the “Aakar Syllabus” which is developed by the State Council of Educational Research & Training(SCERT), Maharashtra.
Objective: To build capacity of PMC pre-primary teachers through direct intervention in schools.
Build capacity of ICDS team members to work for enhanced early development and learning outcomes in children they work with.
Increase awareness in parents visiting ICDS about importance of pre-school education in holistic development of their children.
Contact Information sample
Monday - Friday 11:00 - 18:30
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 12:30 - 16:30